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Friday, September 4, 2015

Sao Paolo is grabbing headlines: Out of Water

This non sequitur; this everyplace blog about incongruities and disconnectedness - it has a source in but one simple root - Love. 

Love beyond borders! How to survive ourselves. 

How to make peace with nature. It all starts with water, deserts, scarcity. See, I have been following this water crisis which is beginning to effect huge populations in Brazil. I got some reader feedback on similar linked California stories with interest. Crazy! What's more, I wrote this before Yemen got firmly placed in news cycles because of a Proxy War now started between the Arab States and Iran!

I am not trying to keep you on the cutting edge by writing this; actually I started writing this several months back worrying about Yemen. Then, we saw what happened there! Nary a water headline though. But, my birthplace California got the news! Linkages!

[This does remind me why I am doing this blog - we can solve all of this.Thanks for thinking of me and sharing what you are reading and your responses. We are all in this together. I need more feedback and questions, ideas, and nuances about how these relate to YOU!]

Today a friend, a woman of Indian descent, quoted Nietzsche“The eternal hourglass of existence is turned over and over, and you with it, a grain of sand.” What a great quote. What hope! Still, what amazed me even more was not the outpouring of understanding, unity, and collectivity; but the personal disappointment that the quote caused in people.

I am happy an India-America woman got me riled up about participation. It is not a joke. And I have felt very connected to it all day ever since I reread this beautiful story about how peoples seek change. It is incumbent that we make necessary change start now.

Let me put this out there for readers. The Indian sub-continent is sexually repressed to the point of physical, emotional, sexual, and spiritual illness as a society. It is venally unsteadied by its sickness.

So as to not go any point forward without pointing out what I guess I think should be readily obvious. The West, most of Asia, the Middle East, much of Africa, the whole of Catholicism, and  my own immediate family history shares the degradations, depravity, perversions, misgivings, and unhealth described here in the life of one of my own saints, benefactors and mentors Ghandi.  Women matter.

Girls Matter. Children Matter. Protecting children matters.

I also have followed several countries facing same crisis. Yemen, for example, is a text book example of how it happened because of us. Western and modern stupidity, economic 'assistance' models, losing traditions... now the whole country has run out of water. Not a small place either. The history of groundwater replenishment is the same in Yemen as Cali.

What do we hear about Yemen... ISIS, Quaeda, Suni and Shiite revolutionaries - not farms, farmers, poor people, the future!!? What if Yemen is the first country to totally start to run out of water... maybe it is happening now, how would we know to filter through to find that link when there is so much about 'terrorism' and infighting of sects to cloud our way. More than Yemen, what does broad our lack of knowledge tell us?

More on that subject soon.

For now, ponder this, Asia, Africa, Middle East much has to do with two plants Eucalyptus and Qat.

Sao Paolo is grabbing headlines. With a population of 20,000,000 I guess it should; but Sanaa?

So.. this is for girls out there. For all women and children who've been given bad advice - here's some good.

I saw on a friends post how one of his snakes ate the other. A friend wrote him, "time to tell your kids about the music business?" It was a cool joke. A joke between musicians. It is time for us to tell truth to ourselves.

The same friend wrote about an interview he was giving a reporter who called him about his music (who was not based in New Orleans). The writer made some jibe statements about Mardi Gras, how shallow it is, how disdained by true locals;how carnival had become a pale version of its former self and a cultural rip off. This was said to the leader of marching bands of authentic brass, ragtime, and traditional New Orleans jazz folk who marches ceaselessly in parade after parade during the whole of the Mardi Gras season! 

"Had a phone conversation with someone who apparently has everything figured," he wrote, "me, Panorama Jazz Band of New Orleans, Mardi Gras, New Orleans," the Universe.

No need for me to open my mouth (this wasn't any of you. btw). 

"Did you know that Mardi Gras is just a big charade for tourists? And did you know that I was young, single with no kids?" to this another friend wrote back, "Remember: the world is filled with bloviating blowhards who know you, your world, and what you need to do better than you." Finally a peace seeking pacifist suggested, "Tell em you're going to hold your breath until they write what you want." Carnival understanding.

We need to get outside and look in at ourselves. 

We do this sometimes and realize how good we have it. 

We were not born poor women of illiterate multigenerational poverty in rural India or Yemen. We are not street kids connected to favelas in Brazil or Argentina. We were given privileged duties; self-responsibility, provenance, stewardship, power. So, we are obligated to step up. 

Hold your breath until this comes true!!

Here is another paraphrased Nietzcheanism: 'The tastiest fruit is ripest just as it reaches its zenith and turns to rot.' How do we produce end of times ripeness increasing world sanity?

This non sequitur, the everyplace blog with incongruities and disconnectedness - it has as  its root butone simple cause; Forgive yourself. 

Forgive - that we make sense of a world that in its abnormalities seeks sanity

Forgive - that we give hope to a people who through faithless abandon seeks love. Forgive - that we respect Nature for in its poverty lies ripeness. Forgive - that we tolerate time who without wisdom seeks an ongoing way out. Forgive - easily. 

Then make room for necessary small actions that steward the world to change - ushering in the beauty you want to see in our world.

Wateralifornia: Yemen, California, Sao Paolo are grabbing headlines "Out of Water"

This non sequitur; this everyplace blog about incongruities and disconnectedness - it has a source in but one simple root - Love. 

Love beyond borders! How to survive ourselves.