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Thursday, July 2, 2015

How do Changing Populations affect me?

There's no doubt - the world's population is increasing. While there are some older, grayer countries which have shrinking population concerns - in general me procreate, produce more, need more and fight. Populations are effecting considerable change on our planet ecologically and otherwise.

Here is a blueprint for your participation in building a world we can all share together harmoniously.

"Use this GDP/capita maximum from estimate maximum global GDP/capita consistent with a non-declining GPI/capital. Assuming better access to family planning services in high population nations, it should be possible to limit the global population to no more than 9.6 billion people. This is the number of people that could be equitably supported by the current global GDP/capita of $67 trillion at approximately $7000 per person."

Somewhere between $5000-$7000 is the maximum sustainable per capita dollar amount which we can use to continue to live on a sustainable planet. To reach this number we all have to consume much less! What is our short run carrying capacity? How do we improve our ecological footprint?

Basic human conditions dictate, we all have to drink water, eat, have shelter, travel, learn, and create.

Right now, we're still expanding our economic pie; while most of the world subsists off crust (crumbs).

We are so caught up in crazy world problems of tech, social networks, and our corrupted version of time that we are missing a passing of existing planetary usage and servitude to stewarding commons!

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