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Saturday, March 28, 2015

Exposure makes you healthy

Travel makes you healthy.

Travel as much as you can within your 'green plan' construct (though I hate the idea that while flying my family is being repeatedly bombarded by every sneeze, cough, or other germ fellow passengers have to dish out). We have to balance out our needs and ability to help the world as travelers; being green enough versus potentially having the interchange impacts of changing minds and countries has to balance out; and, if you are like me, give your self a couple days recovery from flying -  because you WILL GET SICK; and, psychosomatically at least, I always seem to need a shower, a bed, some exercise, lots and lots of water - and I still get some sickness within days of long flights.

Chickens and pets make us healthier.

Having less than sanitized conditions make us healthier.

Exposure makes you healthy. Get dirty in life, unconventional I know but ask a gardener.

One obvious exception seems duly diligent for a reminder: Peeps are not pets. They produce no milk. When a three year old is going down a list of milk producers (Cows, Mommies, Goats etc): no Peeps!

We can all become more earth conscious as a part of being health conscious; if fact, it makes sense.

On the other hand...

Antibiotics make us sicker

Anti-bacterial soaps keep us getting sick.

Use your head. Expose yourself and your children to the world - and to dirt. Rather than worrying senselessly and uselessly about the bugs - worry about whether human pollutions (lead, arsenic, mercury, asbestos) will get into their little systems and teach them to wash hands with foamy soap.

I had my first allergy attacks after 40 in the fertile summer airs of Maine and Oregon. Imagine; my whole adult life I thought I had out mustered the tortures of nature at her finest. I was under the impression this would last. I did not have a clue how many people suffer many new allergies after 30.

Our cleanliness makes us sicker. Lack of early and regular exposures makes children weaker. But, the worst new effect is that being this sick, so sick, so allergic is partly new - and partly we suffer from being able to survive, from better medicines, from surviving childhood at all! That's not bad is it?

However, our bodies will not adapt fast enough to plastics and chemical in every part of our planetary life. Food chains cannot do anything but get sicker over GMO frankenfoods. New gene sequences that should have occurred slowly over tens or even hundreds of thousands of years appear instantly: They ramp up and come at us faster than we can acknowledge them - not that we're even aware now.

Here is another link to nine weird allergies. If you suffer, as I have, this will make you feel better.

And, this one explains why allergies are increasing.

Anti-bacterial soaps keep us getting sick.

Hand washing is key to health and not passing along sicknesses. But, favorite practical doctors I have known (Dr. Mike the Vet in New Orleans, and Dr. Celsa the OB/GYN in Cordoba, Argentina) both have gave the same recommendation: if it foams it is doing the work. Use common dish soap.

Let me add to this nugget what an old sailor fisherman friend who is 'green' told me about plain old Joy soap - no toxins - it does not pollute the environment.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Extracts from Writings on: Concerns, Leadings, Testimonies

While this new blog is fragmented and has not cemented its course yet; it's more deeply attached to or queried by Friends leadings than earlier work. This is providence much more than by design.

Tonight as per the usual scene, I was walking with the baby attached; I took Faith and Practice out with us to a public bench; these quotes below, among others began to lead me in new directions on the subjects of international peace efforts and the dispensation of right world resources.

Extracts from Writings on: Concerns, Leadings, Testimonies, Faith and Practice, PYM, p.156
"Wealth is attended with power, by which bargains and proceedings contrary to universal righteousness are supported; and hence oppression, carried on with worldly policy and order, clothes itself in the name of justice and becomes like a seed of discord in the soul"
John Woolman, c.1764

"Frugality is good, if liberality be joined with it. The first is leaving off superfluous expenses; the last bestowing them to the benefit of others... Both together make an excellent temper. Happy the place wherever that is found." William Penn, 1698
"[Quakerism] made no compromise with the interminable mass of scholastic theology. It cut loose from it all." Rufus Jones, 1906

Friday, March 20, 2015

As of Today - not an Expat but an Immigrant - my life has changed for good!

People, family, friends, followers, readers....

I have an announcement to make. Take note. Announcement related to how to describe me, frame me, sustain me, understand me - I have changed my make up, as of today my structure is different, it is more than a lifestyle change, and it is permanent. Please make note and describe me precisely as follows in all ongoing correspondence or conversation - as of today, in fact in honor of St Patrick's and St Joseph's days and the Irish and Italian millions who like my own Swedish, Scottish, Germana and Indigenous (North American) roots have now migrated to 100% 'White' status  - I am no longer to be preferred to as an 'Expat' please; but as an 'Emigrant'; and, my life has changed for good!

I had in fact gotten this fact about myself for some time, without fully internalizing it or realizing its power. It wasn't until I read an article about how in the richest, most awe inspiring, multinational, powerhouse capital of Hong Kong - that the status expat was still exclusively eurocentric; and, in turn, biased in ways it did not deserve.Finally, I got it. Reflecting on how we are taught to adopt a passive, cultural, and moral superiority by the simple existence of being 'white' and abroad.

I do not want all of us who'll self describe as 'expats' as outwardly racist - but there is no denying that it is another hierarchical language status that derives from imperialist, capitalist, and racist beginnings and often operates as such for those who live 'expat lives' abroad. This began as I would introduce myself to Latinos in my immigrant life in South America as 'el gringo.'

Symbolizing myself by using the language of imperialist forced military and economic superiority has generally lightened the weight of relationships in my experience 'south of the border' in las Americas. Funny thing happens though, when one deigns to include Europeans as gringos they are often taken aback. Leave the derogatory self imputation language to 'Americans,' please. You see, North Americans, Australians, South Africans, Kiwis, and other predominately 'white' cultures can be viewed as less than by Europe. So many different definitions of 'Whiteness' but gringo is one of the few I know that does not include automatic superiority. Using gringo self-referentially equalizes.

As of today, I'm not an Expat but an Immigrant - a person out of country (temporarily living abroad). Most of us recognize how we use language, a 'common vernacular', which has racist history in use and applied powers. Exorcising and explicitly changing to emigrant from expat makes sense for me.

If you are reading this, and you recognize the immigrant roots of us all ramble on...

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Who Has Transcended Linguistic, Temporal, and Geographic Boundaries?

Not everything simplified becomes easy. 

Who were the most culturally influential leaders in the last four thousand odd years?

I learned this the hard way. The articles describing these findings and the process to sense them out were not immediately digestable. In fact, it took me a few readings in an sustained and continual effort to pull back layers before I was able to see the beauty of the great work a small group of social researchers have done in uncovering historical figures: The ones that matter.

Try it out. It will hook you into history, to how you prioritize your world view. To the dominant historical narrative. To what interests you have and why. Questions are great. You can be more connective.

NYTimes asked a different question in a more westerncentric way: Whose more famous than Jesus?

These visualization tool kits from MIT helps. Want MORE??

Aca un buen articulo castellano sobre la arquitectura.

I do not know a whole lot about Architects. My history is poor. But, I have known enough architects to know that they would like to leave a 'lasting legacy.' How many have? Check out these architects above us.

Reflect on what you know of how architecture shapes daily life. Think about favorite places. What holds them together? What does architecture mean in your 'built world?' Now look at the list again. Who are they?

In so many categories, I mostly found myself feeling left out a little by history, and craving to know more!

Friday, March 13, 2015

Growing up before the 90's - Much different than today!

I like the idea that once upon a time our society benefited from seeing children intermingling more.

We were low tech, dirty, rough on each other... but we played together ceaselessly, were bug and allergy resistant. Then the world filled us with processed food and pesticides, technology and sugar. We were given too much for too little and developed chistocentric guilt for not maintaining either the restlessness of our age (with its protest and humanity) nor the determination to improve the health of society and the planet by taking on status quo assumptions maintaining power/wealth disequilibrium.

These things in view of current post-modern neo apocalyptic engorged self-centrism shows us naive. In a world of new blog journalism thoughts are sound bit, quick witted. They fall short of rationality. That said, the parts I liked about this article were the sentiments about children playing with each other, self entertaining, low tech with less fear of ever present psycho killer predators! I agree with the analysis about over parenting and over prescribing and over diagnosing. How did we benefit?

Lucidity: Let's try giving our children a chance first; when we are not selling out or drug numbed we hold up mantles of faith, peace, and creative riffing. I was floored to hear the rate of diagnosis of six year olds with ADHD was 60% higher if they were part of the younger half of the class - and male.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

What do I know about Parenting?


Next to nothing.

I learned something from my parents.

I learned something from my parents friends and other relatives.

I learned something from my friends' parents.

I learned a lot of parents are f__ed up!

I learned parents care a lot.

I learned something from peeps about love.

Parenting is the commitment to loving kindness.

I learned about how much parents fear!

I learned parents care and if they didn't care they wouldn't be parents.

I learned parents caring is one definition of parenting.

What do I know about Parenting?


Next to nothing.

Not a lot.

But... I am writing a blog, you are reading it; part of the reason I started writing it was to share our experiences, our failings, our hopes, and our prospective and REAL changes. These are the small wonders of life that we have seen, enacted, been part of, formed community around, and most likely failed horribly (in our OWN perception about); and that that is Nothing. I'm in a learning community.

We are lucky in family and friendship and next to nothing.

Friday, March 6, 2015

One critical thing I learn from work: Manage your time

#1 key to more enjoyment, more net happiness, more success. #1 Manage your time.

The most important thing I learned from Work/Life when they inevitably intermingle: No matter what you give up, how you reorganize, what your family plan is, or how many career changes are part of your life; when you make those changes, manage your time, and your cup will still fill right back up.

The only difference I have noted, is what the cup fills up with.

Here is a quick take-away, "Your time is more Valuable than your money, make it Fabulous."

When I was surrounded in the muck and pollution of post-Katrina disaster recovery in a land known as "cancer alley;" I could quit, change positions, change titles, become a full time unpaid volunteer; cut off, make myself up - over and again. My cup would fill up with whatever was surrounding it.

The closer I was to floodwaters; trash, refuse, and general devastation left behind by them, the more my cup was filling with dark waters. Turning off, tuning in - checking out and retreating gave space.

Learn from those who have found ways out. Benefit from the experiences of those who do well.

And, do not be afraid to drink more coffee!!

What is your cupid health? Camus, Jainism, and Harmless Good Health

“Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Just walk beside me and be my friend.” - Albert Camus

Most of friends and family are strong and won't give up. All those who have are a blessed ancestry!

Giving up is Not wrong or anything like it. We all have limits. Some are shorter than others. In fact, I also love Camus' take on that: Philosophically Suicide is the First Question. Not encouraging, just sharing. Once you decide to live; and, once you make a commitment to try out the Impossible and begin a line of communication with an "Other" - you are essentially committed to healthy harmless living. Most of us who decide to practice harmless living come to this from a religious, universalist, or spiritual perspective. Christianity, Buddhism, Taoism, and Hinduism, all have some wonderfully explicit instruction on the benefits of harmlessness. This does not mean a lack of action either. It is lovely, for example, how the use of harmless and pure interchange in different translations of Phippians 2:15. One of the best examples of the practice of active harmlessness is Jainism seen in India's capital Delhi. Jainist religion was founded around principles of non-violence, vegetarianism, and harmlessness. In this lovely and ancient religious edifice the top floors are reserved for the healing of animals. Injured animals are brought from all over to receive care and compassion here.

I ask you all, how can I serve you today?

I have not successfully committed to a life free from killing and violence toward animals. If you commit to anything else but this; again, my limited experience speaking here - your Other will come back and rain fire on you from the depths of HELL. Or some such discomfort will be shared with you.

I have a psychoanalyst uncle who has practiced in NYC now 50 some years, his answer is simple, Keep Working on IT. But, he also assures me with all his experience, realize how difficult change is.

Long winded introduction to this blog post; but, it is a way of saying something I had heard and perhaps have learned in years of travel and adventure now - you: Take IT with you.

Some great travel gurus have put it this way - people who go on extended travel or live as expatriates fall in two to three camps, those who are running away, those who are running to, and those who are lost permanently. I can agree with the characterization and generalization; though most of us combine elements of all three.

So my blog question is this: What is your cupid health? What are you doing to find happiness and fulfillment; satisfaction, understanding and ease; harmlessness and joy; and mindfulness in an Other?

When we are young, when we continue to be young at heart, when we have hurt ourselves through experience, sickness, or aging, there may follow an 'ah-ha' moment or renewed sense of life: Use IT.

In one way or another most Ancients had things valid and generous to pass down to us on subjects of love, trust, happiness, and faith in Others. Shamans, Gurus, and Scientists share these views today.

Don't be afraid to unwind, but nothing will stop you shorter ways up mountain than a road of excess.

Eat healthy, Be healthy, Treat people healthfully. In all these ways be harmless.

Expose yourself to improve your health. Practice peace actively. Start from where you are.

Believe in the history on our ancients. Know that in explaining we bring new questions to the fore.

Change comes to me with tiny successes. I know that there is truth; it is in me; and it is complex.

In closing.... I ask you all, how can I serve you today?

"In the next few years the struggle will not be between utopia and reality, but between different utopias, each trying to impose itself on reality ... we can no longer hope to save everything, but ... we can at least try to save lives, so that some kind of future, if perhaps not the ideal one, will remain possible."
ALBERT CAMUS, Between Hell and Reason

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Let's go ride on a tractor, tractor!!!

Before our three year old took his nap today he told me, "Papi let's play the song that goes, 'Let's go riding on a tractor, tractor', Papi let's play the song that goes, 'Let's go riding on a bulldozer bulldozer.'

He is referring to Woody Guthrie's 1946 classic children's song "Let's go ride in a car, car."

A wonderful collection of Children's Songs we like to sing a have fun with at nap time by Woody Guthrie comes from "Songs to Grow On for Woman and Child."

I grew up on these songs folky and proud, as did generations before me.

Great children's music like children's stories never gets old.

Listen, Share, Sing, and Laugh!! - that's what Woody wants you to do!

Continuing Segregation of Nation with Education

How much is a conception of our privileges connected to or disparate from our image of God?

If we are moral, we create guilt in part at least because we are unable to execute rational compassions? We cannot make actionable our creeds. They are lifeless. So we choose creedless.

Why do we habituate (in our daily life) the segregation of our nation by education? How do we stop?

When we choose the 'best' opportunities with the knowledge that we are, in doing so, knowingly damaging the standards and prospects for others - is this not a form of cultural violence?

Distractions and pleasantries are allowing us off the hook too easy. Don't we want a way out?

I know you rider!! Almost 9000@blogspot!!!

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Coastal Women for Change get involved to back resilient cooperatives and community based leadership

 Disasters of the future will effect women disporportionately more than men. Get involved.

The Video Here is another great perspective on why organizing your community needs to get into place before a disaster effects you.  Listen to how the stories of Coastal Women for Change in Mississippi and the fishing communities of India and other regions effected by the Tsunami built back resilient cooperatives without government assistance.

Action Aid is an A++ organization which made this impactful exchange happen.

Author and  democracy Activist Naomi Klein sums up the dangers of market based disaster response in her books Disaster Capitalism and Shock Doctrine. Here she is discussing Capitalism and Climate.

To learn more how disasters create disaster capitalism read the books Disaster Capitalism and Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein.