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Sunday, March 1, 2015

Coastal Women for Change get involved to back resilient cooperatives and community based leadership

 Disasters of the future will effect women disporportionately more than men. Get involved.

The Video Here is another great perspective on why organizing your community needs to get into place before a disaster effects you.  Listen to how the stories of Coastal Women for Change in Mississippi and the fishing communities of India and other regions effected by the Tsunami built back resilient cooperatives without government assistance.

Action Aid is an A++ organization which made this impactful exchange happen.

Author and  democracy Activist Naomi Klein sums up the dangers of market based disaster response in her books Disaster Capitalism and Shock Doctrine. Here she is discussing Capitalism and Climate.

To learn more how disasters create disaster capitalism read the books Disaster Capitalism and Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein.

1 comment:

  1. I like your new blog URL and title, Nathan. The Coastal Women for Change video was quite moving, looking at the parallels between women's experiences in Hurricane Katrina and the Tsunami in India. -- Aunt Mary Ann, near Boston
