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Thursday, April 30, 2015

Why for almost thirty years now I have loved Anais Nin

 "Throw your dreams into space like a kite, and you do not know what it will bring back, a new life, a new friend, a new love, a new country."

These quotes and images exude in desire and denude in locality why for almost thirty years now I have loved Anais Nin.

"I postpone death by living, by suffering, by error, by risking, by giving, by losing."

 There are so many ingredients necessary to own your life and hove the quality of life you want. First among equals is to take the risk of being you; second among equals is surrounding yourself by similar minded individuals; third but certainly not last - luck!

"You have a right to experiment with your life. You will make mistakes. And they are right too. No, I think there was too rigid a pattern. You came out of an education and are supposed to know your vocation. Your vocation is fixed, and maybe ten years later you find you are not a teacher anymore or you’re not a painter anymore. It may happen. It has happened. I mean Gauguin decided at a certain point he wasn’t a banker anymore; he was a painter. And so he walked away from banking. I think we have a right to change course. But society is the one that keeps demanding that we fit in and not disturb things. They would like you to fit in right away so that things work now."

Anais Nin, her lover Henry Miller, and their whole generation of risk-takers, clowns, artists, vagabonds, and aesthetes; the creative generation, the Paris guild, the surrealist groups, the utopians and early environmentalists, humanists, and pacifists all shape the best aspects of our world today.

 "People living deeply have no fear of death."

And that is that.



We all need a little extra perspective now and again! Space can really do that for you!

I love to feel the distances grow closer when I peer across space. But, how BIG is Space?

This new spatial tool makes the perspective a little but more real.

Monday, April 27, 2015

We hope to act as Guides to visit parts of South America or Trip to a Shamanic World. Where are you supposed to go?

Put this in the back of your head.

I would like to help you make your trips happen to dream destinations.

And, to find you new solutions; I want to to act as guide to parts of South America, Central America, the Caribbean, or Asia - what would draw you near? What is the witches guide to Shamanic travels?

"You find our normal world is not the most real world we can experience. The alternative realms of Spirit, of our visions and dreams, also can be real, accessible, tangible.  Spirit travel can open the door to an awareness that there are other realities, other worlds.  These other worlds are sources of the energy, creativity, passion and love that power the everyday world we know.  Finding our way there can be a blessing that brings us wisdom and self-empowerment in a positive, healing way."

We hope to act as guide to parts of South America or the Shamanic World. Where are you supposed to  be going? Bucket tours, saving money, living abroad; or health care, dental, psychological, spiritual healing, emotional traumas, new life, resolving past conflicts?

Maybe something still more heavy - a past life, your future lives, contacting spirits, interspatial understanding? Take a chance; cancer, diabetes, incurable diseases, impossible miracle cures?

Travel to see differences? Now, because you can to sit in country, or city, seaside or mountains - or just museums, shopping and culture?

I am not the shaman - but I have sourced healers and guides and 'know how' to get you results.

I am not offering drug tours, or 'narco-turismo;' quite the opposite: What I offer for tours is homeopathic, healthful healing journeys that expose you to health, diet, and cultures. You will need to travel a minimum of 15 days (and I can help prepare journeys of up to six months guided -  for cost plus 10% overage for miscellaneous changes.

I will also help plan, fund raise, friendraise, or otherwise promote your journey. Thanks. Put it in the back of your head. It may not be you - but, it might be someone close to you; or, we can bring back for you the virtual tour or ingredients needed for your journey to take place close to home. We can work it out.

What is needed? A desire to go. An urgency to cross borders. A decision to change.

Latin America, Caribbean, Asia, twitches travel for a world's journey to past lives afterlife humane.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

If you are thinking of visiting or joining us on a visit to Argentina

Part of the reason I picked up blogging again within the themes of this travel, health, and cultural exchange blog is that I want to encourage others to enjoy some aspects of Argentina as we have.

If you are thinking of visiting or joining us on a visit to Argentina - here are some lovely truths about the Argentine people.

Travel makes us healthy (see below).

Some people believe Argentina is the Best Place in the World! I can say this for certain, it merits a nice long visit. You will not be disappointed.

It humanizes us and puts the kind face on the other.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Psychedelic Psanity!!

At my age, if you even whisper an advocacy for psychedelics and sanity combining for beneficence - you will be whisked to the curb like a Cuckoo flying over a Ken Kesey novel.

But, that changes when just such a POV is being published in Forbes, Nature, and the New Yorker!!

These are must read articles for the uninhibited.

They may be 'forgive yourself' articles for 60's to 80's generations of self prescribed wasted youth.

But, it is a time to test ourselves and rethink what we were unwilling to challenge.

This is a time to be vulnerable again. We are starting to value giving up our bad assumptions.

Forgive yourself. Science has already forgiven you.

Friday, April 17, 2015

All Black cities faced the same stark choice

All Black cities faced the same stark choice:

Stay black and stay like Detroit.

Face gentrification, steel yourself for what you must become.



Nathan's Top 5 SELL OUT Cities in the USA:

San Francisco, New Orleans, Washington DC, Miami, New York

“Of course, he does pretty well for a little boy, but it is I who am the big artist.” FKahlo

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Blew my mind, burst my heart, burned my soul... yet all I could keep thinking is - this could have been us!!

Personal update and manifestation of the business plan plug here: We are in a great place and we are looking to sign you up. If you need a semester abroad, if you want to try this out, if you have health needs you would like to pay for without cratering in a huge debt, please let us know. We are serious.

This is an advertisement.

Cordoba is a very high quality life. I really can't imagine a better place in many regards.

Every place has its issues - it is a 'small town' city and very provincial - like New Orleans.

But you can find all sorts of great Quality of Life reasons to be here. Not only the Steak, Red Wine, Delicious Summer Fruits and Veg - but the people. Ahhh, life is very good. In January - it is Hot!!

Thanks for staying in touch with us by reading our blog!!***

Just having the space to be here, breathe, be with family at this great time... allows us both the energy to prepare for next chapters.

 A cautious tale and a letter of thanks to my wife for helping me be good to our infants.

Under very different circumstances - this could have been us. It is mainstream; people tell you it's ok. Doctors recommend it.  And if you are exhausted, indifferent, and/or need to train your child as early as possible not to expect you to be around - it is totally equipping everyone to the right standards, isn't it!

But I am so glad to be on this side where it blew my mind, burst my heart, burned my soul!

I am glad we have done the opposite parenting form of attachment And once again, science is proving it out... yet all I could keep thinking is - this could have been us!! Thanks for helping us make great family decisions

We did not move to Maryland to sit on our hands. We wanted to be closer to NYC, Philadelphia, and of course, the Capital - to make a difference. And, we will.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Our Country Divided

“the unexamined life is not worth living”
Plato, Apology 

 Our country lays Divided again.

We had almost recovered; we were on the mend. Then tiny, almost negligible, minuscule errors emerged.

Our country Divided by pathologies.

Our great land, our verdant future and Our country Divided again. I weep and weep.

Our country Divided and the dividers seek more division. This is never new.

Socrates knew his rational thoughts would be his end. MLK probably did too. At least the truth has bubbled up: That more than race; class, gender, sexuality, education, and morality all divide us.

His quotes seem to fit the harsh reality facing those who society deems unequal to the majority...

"It would be better for me... that multitudes of men should disagree with me rather than that I, being one, should be out of harmony with myself." Gorgias, 482c

I pray, "Oh, Lord, for the concept of unity and commons help us Lord, Our country is Divided."

This is an open letter to the powers that be. I ask for restraint. I pray for perspective, inner peace.


If you can only read part of this letter, please read this. It is the personal saga of generations of my family who have had great difficulty resolving justice, civil rights, religious tolerance, and freedom.

The side of my family this comes from arrived as mercenaries and indentured servants to serve the new English colony of Pennsylvania in 1710. It would take 250 years before this family would merge with another group of families who had come over almost 100 years earlier to found "New Sweden."

It was years past the litany of services our family made in war.  Revolutionary. 1812. Indian wars.

Ancestors of mine who had walked beside their wagon from West Virginia (nee. Virginia) to build a small outpost in Selma, Indiana (Muncie) split up over the civil war. Some were fierce abolitionists; others supported states rights. Brother against brother they fought on both sides of the Civil War.

Some time after the war ended the family received notice of the death of one son, a son who had aligned himself with the politics of the family still living in Indiana and whose remains had been buried at Appomattox He was sought and returned home to be buried in the family plot.

A year after the end of the civil war another visitor passing through who had served with the brother in the other army, that of the Confederacy, told of how they had fought together in the guerrilla actions in the great Alabama swamps. These were battles that drew northern militias into unequal territory, where small bands used wits and knowledge of terrain maneuvers to overwhelm greater numbers. This brother, he told them, had died and was buried in the swamp in a shallow, hardly marked grave.

"Our sons have not yet been brought home," said father, "it is our duty to lay them together at peace."

'That summer children and women folk raised the crops, manage the farm, took care of finances, and educated, fed, and generally cared for all who were left behind. The brothers with their father spent six weeks riding across mountain, dale, and swamp gathering information and searching until the found the identified shallow grave of their missing kin. It took another month to return him home,' goes the family legend. What I share is part of our family lore; the truth of it is implicit, not real.

'It is in the spirits,' my grandmother taught, 'the real truth fades like their footsteps in sands of time.'

The scale of this venture has always astounded me. The implicit risk for the family left back home. The sheer amount of time taken. But, this is the real story; these boys from tiny Muncie, Indiana, they didn't know very much about slave states or free states, cotton or industry, North or South.

They didn't know anything about war; just an age-old family tradition - to serve when called upon. What they did know all too well was the power of strong opinions; and, these conveyed until a breaking point of fixed conviction. It cost them their lives. In death they laid a new family tradition.

In today's polarized and disparate politics severity reigns as both tone and guide. The ability to seek chivalric or communing largess is unfounded. Lacking spirit of trust; venality is our most public face.

I am writing this because today marks 150 years since Civil War peace occurred. This summer I will remember the cost of our family trying to piece itself back together. As I do this, I'll remember the pain of war: The cost of human suffering. I will seek understanding and work to give peace new life.


Douglas Brinkley was a professor at the University of New Orleans many years; he left when UNO was effectively defunded in the post-Katrina politics of New Orleans vs. the State of Louisiana under Gov. Bobby Jindal. New Orleans lost Brinkley and the clout of its public university. Nobody gained.

Brinkley writes very appropriately about the Civil War, " the gridlock on Capital Hill in 2015, the inability to get anything done, is similarly cold-cocking the spirit of our participatory democracy. All American eyes should be fixated on Appomattox today. The courthouse is our collective sanctuary of national healing."

I visit the graves of these boys in my own family. Their pain winds through to today. Family piety. The ability to heal wounds of family is not lost on me. I have lost cousins to drugs and suffering. Their inability to be accepted with choices of gender and sexuality certainly conspired against them.

I grew up in two souths. I grew up in different Nations. Then I saw them mend. And then break again. My New Orleans was very disconnected from much of the State of Louisiana. And, much of Louisiana was not really part of the 1970's South. And, they were all in so much pain it was palpable.

But, when pain is exorcised, when we find a therapeutic covenant; then peace is closer at hand.

I have always know how good we had it. I knew the kindness and richness of my neighbors.

Now my state's legislators have brought us back to the brink of this break again. The pain being caused to every family is damaging and will take generations to remove.

It all starts with the ability to love, cherish, protect, and honor in a committed life another. 

"False words are not only evil in themselves, but they infect the soul with evil." Phaedo 91

True power turns on how using it affects all with benevolence, peace, ease. Those who believe they are free of sin are but mob bosses who measure power with each abuse. This is a culture of abuse that seeks to maintain inequality for a historically oppressed minority. But, in a country born of freedom's declaration, why? Turns out, we have a global divide on marriage and "gay marriage" in particular.

There are so many antiquated ways we continue to legislate what happens between consenting adults in their love, passion, or 'bedroom' behavior. Time and again, we have proven that legislation is a mere affectation of left or right wing agendas. Everyone has this deviant, perverse, or human nature. Sexuality, with all its repression, predation, fear and trepidation is human, imperfect and uncertain.

Who will judge you? "The sea gave up the dead that were in it, and death and Hades gave up dead that were in them, and each person was judged according to what they had done." Revelation 20:13

How long will the same sex bans, the marriage restrictions, the sodomy laws stand?

Where will history place us for our position in this debate? Where will Revelation place us?

How does intolerance and prejudice derive from pain, repression, and myopic vision?

Global prejudice against people who have same sex partnerships stand up just where we would expect it. It the most hardlined, hard bitten, socially rigid, gender specific, legally antiquated and sexually repressed countries of the world there are hard and fast resistance against accepting human rights for all and allowing representation, openness, and fair treatment to be legally guaranteed.

It would seem obvious to me that those who work so hard to maintain the oppression of 'gays' while simultaneously taking hardline opposition against the countries and cultures that support their beliefs; if they are being honest with themselves, ought to consider aligning themselves more appropriately with these rigid 'moral' values societies. My rigid family values I will keep buried with my ancestors.

Maybe Egyptian, Pakistani, Russian, Tunisian, and El Salvadoran morals fit into their other beliefs? 
I wonder. Certainly the censored, brutal, oligarchical, non-participatory, non democratic versions of government, leadership, business, and moral life in those countries is far from our "American" ideals.

If you would like to write the Louisiana Legislator who has sponsored the latest round of legal intolerance and inequality - please do: "" <>

Interested in knowing more? Here are some more Resources:
In closing here are two more quotes attributed to Socrates by Plato in his Apology. One, is the motivation you all may need to contiuously confront an Unjust State, the other more obvious.

“The State is like a great and noble steed who is tardy in his motions owing to his very size, and requires to be stirred into life. I am that gadfly which God has given the State and all day long and in all places am always fastening upon you, arousing and persuading and reproaching you. You will not easily find another like me.”
Plato, Apology
“I certainly have many enemies, and this is what will be my destruction if I am destroyed; of that I am certain; not Meletus, nor yet Anytus, but the envy and detraction of the world, which has been the death of many good men, and will probably be the death of many more; there is no danger of my being the last of them.”
Plato, Apology

Friday, April 10, 2015

A Main Reason Super Rich remain So Rich? You think you care but you don't really & you definitely do not Act like it!

Here is a new revelation for you.

Ok, maybe it won't feel new, or, maybe you are not like a majority of the rest of us and you have thought of this before; most important, don't let it bother you: A main reason the Super Rich remain so Rich (worldwide) - is that while you think you care, you don't really; and, you definitely don't act it. You are actively letting rich off the hook for being responsible to all of us for wealth they have.

In my home country, (USA) we pride ourselves on only hating the rich as punk rockers hate them.

We actually don't mind them. We tolerate excessive wealth easy: we celebrate the excess, the sloth, the chaos of media-minded megapersonality wealthy. We cave quickly, freely to oligarchical powers and are feeling freely democratic about rehiring the morons of rich kids gone bad past - again and again and again.

We want equality. We want to have the dream ladder. We want a plural meritocracy that merits freedom. We want to support innovation and an ability to grow your own, build dreams, create business wealth. We want a union of successfully well mannered managers and the shopping malls to support them.

I would like to see charts overlapped over one that shows wealth subtraction from peoples across the world, mineral extraction by continent, coldwar/post cold war economic consolidations by continent! We might as well overlay compounded monolithic powers of single party patronage political powers.

We do not mind war mongering demagoguery, the war machines, the capitalist prison industrial and military industrial complexes. We are happy to live richer ourselves at the expense of the rest of the world and think nothing of connecting our welath to the suffering of poor masses in Latin America, Africa, Asia, or in our own post colonial neo-imperialist far flung colonies across the world. We have long forgiven slavery, genocide, gender/racialized violence, or even current PTSD suffering as only distant aspects of a post-colonial world our grandparents simply 'must have shied away from!'

Let me give you a break. YOU are not to blame for any of this. You are not to blame for the disproportionate millions in jail, the million PTSD war sufferers, or the cost of our wealth abroad.

BTW [Readers - Warning] Do NOT do this. Do not write this. Participate at a distance.

Watch TV more. Unless you want to end up monitored, traced, tapped, and looked over by the taxman, the badman, their managers, covert plants, spies, and post-revolutionary yuppie-class sell outs of every ilk. Serious. The few things I have going for me is that I know/have known, have worked for, still talk to the rich; that I offer us moral cures for some guilt; and, that our grandparents and grandchildren know each other. Add to this that I want to offer solutions and do; that I have had neither income nor debt for years; that I come from a big family tradition of loud mouthed liberal pacifist philosophical peacemakers. I am fearless. But, retribution has a history in this world's evil.

But, let me put the Super rich back on the hook.

Taking a whole pie, eating it, then offering crumbs to share between the rest of the world and us (A comfortable middle class consumer class) - is cold! Letting us pretend to care is mighty generous. Fearlessness due to media, police states, food/drugs. scarcity, declining world health, disaster capitalism and the like - will come to haunt you too. YOU!

So, my mantra, do not complain without offering a real solution. What can we ALL do now, today.

Always. Begin. Where you ARE.

Do something. Change something.

Find some small way to reinforce daily the change you want to see in the world and manifest it into more and more.

Make moral sense of your accountability.

Too simplistic - not concrete enough.

Turn off the water more.

Reuse the grocery bag.


Plant. Period. Plant/Grow.

Build Hope.

Have Faith.

Be local.

Imagine a future the activate it. Teach Children, help elders.

Turn off, stop working, produce more, find alternatives to taxation.

Produce no bombs.

Occupy left a mark. Almost 9000 managers care.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Dental Vacation

Imagine taking you and your best friends to Argentina, Peru, Chile, Uruguay or other great South American countries! Visiting the Andes. Travel to the wine country of Argentina.

I had some Dental trauma. Most of it was not improved by 25 years of heavy smoking.

Now that I am four years into my recovery it was time to invest in the face I want to show the world going forward. So, I invested in my family and a dental vacation.

What is a dental vacation?

I recently heard back from a cousin who has good dental insurance. In addition to paying insurance his family paid more than $7000 for two implants. They are thrilled, in the US they could have paid a lot more. That price may not  be the norm. But, what I keep coming across is extraordinary.

So, for some perspective, I anm very happy with all of the work I have had done. In short, I have a great dentist (implantologo - implantologist) who has rebuilt my gums, my jaw bone, and has put in three implants. Two of these will have their final permanent crowns when I leave. She thought ahead. I have a nother tooth that may need to be replaced in the next couple years; so, she put in support enough for the next [read: no new implants needed later].

Now my cost is high. about $12k. But this includes our flights (two adults and 1.5 children).

And... five months housing and cost of living, some travel, plus the birth and both pre and post care for our daughter; and, schooling for our son. Oh, and we have not scrimped.

So, in a year I want to bring some families back; maybe retirees, mabe self employed, maybe people who just want a sabbatical, maybe adventuring YOU!!??

There are many other medical vacations. The reason I am describing mine is because I think it has another implicit joyful experience included - you would need to be here for at least three and a half months. But, for three months of that time, if you are having an implant, you just need to rest and renew yourself. Of course, you could go back and return. But, why? If you can do it, stay a while - See South America. The prices may change a little. But, the care and quality of care will not.

I made some changes and started living a little below my means. I saved and reduced. What a gift!

Friday, April 3, 2015

Safer than Soccer? Now that psychedelics are being considered safe and mainstream

Safer than Soccer? Really? How do we make the most of, extend our life, and walk a healthy path?

Now that psychedelics are considered safe and mainstream I thought I should share some of the perspectives of people working with Holy Medicinal Plants of South America and enlighten ever so slightly some readers to the Ayahuasca Cults, the Ayahuasca Chritstianity, and the Ayahuasca Healing - in particular for mortally ill and cancer victims. I first came across practitioners of Ayahuasca and DMT and the whole of the psychotropic healing spectrum of meditations and 'trips' on trips to South America (Venezuela and Panama) between 1997-2002. The whole concept of medicinal herbs, shamanism, and healing plant spirits amazed and excited me. So, I endeavored to learn more...

People speak of becoming/transposing Animal Spirits, of taking trips across galaxies, talking to gods, communing with Trees. Obviously, this concept, the topic, and/or the notion of divulging our life, of touching the unknowable, or taking in secrets that are part of the unknown; these are all are scary to people. For those of you who are interested in reading and knowing more - see below.

I first came to this concept looking for cures and answers when my brother got a rare form of cancer and had a terrible prognosis. When we barely got him to take simple, non hallucinatory cancer-fighting mushroom supplements, and then he terrifically cured himself using his own strong dose of religion (western medicine): None of us were surprised by his power, perception, and perseverance! Kudos to western medicine. But, in process I met doctors, healers, herb sellers, indigenous shamans!

When other friends were getting the personal assistance fighting cancer from the great Dick Gregory back in the 80's they used visualization and may shamanic and other mystical cancer fighting tools; they also fought off cancer intensely against much conventional wisdom and belief - fighting bravely fro a long time; but weren't able to prevail permanently. And, I have often wondered how these Ayahuasca cults miracle might have played a role in their departure. Where lies the power of healing?

We all leave the planet after all ....some of us just leave earlier, and some more often than expected!

The truth about healing and shamanism is that it goes way back and is being beautifully documented, celebrated, practiced and articulated by many visitors and residents of the Americas and South America (Brazil and Peru in particular - stretching in different forms across whole of Latin America)

Here is the mainstream article....

A scientific analysis.  This is the more pychotropic healer version.

We are interested in the roots of our Cosmic Selves. During the course of reading this blog your self has blinked. You have changed place billions of times.

Billions of  micro-atomic particulates have swept through you taking your place here on earth literally billions of times. What is holding you together?