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Friday, April 3, 2015

Safer than Soccer? Now that psychedelics are being considered safe and mainstream

Safer than Soccer? Really? How do we make the most of, extend our life, and walk a healthy path?

Now that psychedelics are considered safe and mainstream I thought I should share some of the perspectives of people working with Holy Medicinal Plants of South America and enlighten ever so slightly some readers to the Ayahuasca Cults, the Ayahuasca Chritstianity, and the Ayahuasca Healing - in particular for mortally ill and cancer victims. I first came across practitioners of Ayahuasca and DMT and the whole of the psychotropic healing spectrum of meditations and 'trips' on trips to South America (Venezuela and Panama) between 1997-2002. The whole concept of medicinal herbs, shamanism, and healing plant spirits amazed and excited me. So, I endeavored to learn more...

People speak of becoming/transposing Animal Spirits, of taking trips across galaxies, talking to gods, communing with Trees. Obviously, this concept, the topic, and/or the notion of divulging our life, of touching the unknowable, or taking in secrets that are part of the unknown; these are all are scary to people. For those of you who are interested in reading and knowing more - see below.

I first came to this concept looking for cures and answers when my brother got a rare form of cancer and had a terrible prognosis. When we barely got him to take simple, non hallucinatory cancer-fighting mushroom supplements, and then he terrifically cured himself using his own strong dose of religion (western medicine): None of us were surprised by his power, perception, and perseverance! Kudos to western medicine. But, in process I met doctors, healers, herb sellers, indigenous shamans!

When other friends were getting the personal assistance fighting cancer from the great Dick Gregory back in the 80's they used visualization and may shamanic and other mystical cancer fighting tools; they also fought off cancer intensely against much conventional wisdom and belief - fighting bravely fro a long time; but weren't able to prevail permanently. And, I have often wondered how these Ayahuasca cults miracle might have played a role in their departure. Where lies the power of healing?

We all leave the planet after all ....some of us just leave earlier, and some more often than expected!

The truth about healing and shamanism is that it goes way back and is being beautifully documented, celebrated, practiced and articulated by many visitors and residents of the Americas and South America (Brazil and Peru in particular - stretching in different forms across whole of Latin America)

Here is the mainstream article....

A scientific analysis.  This is the more pychotropic healer version.

We are interested in the roots of our Cosmic Selves. During the course of reading this blog your self has blinked. You have changed place billions of times.

Billions of  micro-atomic particulates have swept through you taking your place here on earth literally billions of times. What is holding you together?

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