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Monday, February 2, 2015

Buy yourself a little extra dose of perspective.

This blog aims to share with a broad public, experiences and interests that serve for building a stronger, closer, more viable world community. It explores issues of fairness, cultural competency, green living, internal change agents and much more.

It is a survey, an opinion, a political missive - but it's mostly addressed to you. In it, I want us to try and understand how collective experiences, strengths and self interest can be stewarded/harnessed.

I studied Quakerism, considering Friends my faith community my whole life. The same may be said for Buddism, Sufiism, Taoism, Shamanism, Shintoism, Confucism, Islam, mysticism, erotism, philosophy and philology. I am a cosmologist by vocation and by the luck of upbringing and ancestry.

One intention I have for this blog are to bring forward some core philosophies and aphorisms shared through these religions, through thinkers, through poetry that you can use for liberation.

In Quakerism, we use leadings and queries individually and as a community to provoke ourselves.

Here are some Queries I have written that would be useful to decide what you would expect here.

What would peace and happiness look like between family and friends with you?

How do we get our self a little extra dose of perspective?

How do we get those chills boiling up and down our spine again (excitements we felt as children, as teenagers, as a young adult or maybe college person - but which is fading)?

What would peace and happiness look like for you individually?

How much time do we take to visualize that success?

When we got close last, what was the jumping off point? Why did we hold back/come back?

What would peace and happiness look like for your family abroad?

How would our giving ourselves a little extra dose of perspective change our relationships? When we are being honest, is the service to others becoming more transparent?

What would peace and happiness look like for you and the 'other'?

Here are my answers:

You are rich. You live in the rich world. Something (God or otherwise) put you on this side of the balance sheet. You make your choices Buy yourself a little extra dose of perspective. Go on.

Or, if you can't do it now... buy someone else a day, a week, a month.

This is something I am going to get into more. Pay it forward. It worked.

As I started voluntarily giving away, gifting without any expectation of physical return, doing the easy 'no-strings-attached' kindness of treating people with the respect to trust and take chances with them... well each time I gave up the expectations of a return, I could lose or win, I could be dismissed, defeated, or deflated by missed opportunity - but it had no hold on me! And, my tiny assets, my micro funds for doing more; my "bread money" filled the tank back up.

I hope I can communicate in this blog 1% of the ways this is working. And it is not to preach. It is to release you. This is to say... go ahead and stay where you are - because you already hear. So thanks!

When you are ready to do something; anytime you need the extra encouragement from us! [And I know I may be down in the britches, tired with my head in the gutter when you come asking!] I am here. More than that, if you want to wait, if you can, I can connect you and help you find ways to put your tiny splash on the face of someone you truly care or and love... so you can help that way.

In the past six months I have realized that six great friends and mentors.... passed on without my knowing, or when I had just gotten in touch with them. Everyone I was saying this to. Everyone. So, RUN AND HIDE because I do not want to put any sort of death wish on you. I want your freedom.

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