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Saturday, February 7, 2015

Wage Wage a Peaceable Common

Let us wage Peace together. Let us go out only when we are prepared to build community.

Let us always aim to forgive and yet stand ready to take on the shaming actions of our own yokes.

Even if we are the best prepared, we can do nothing without bringing forward our past.

MAAFA - the only way out is to go back through.

Accept that you are racist. Accept that you are biased in gender, in economics, in education.

Move forward knowing that you are improving the Earth.

Plan to be a steward. Raise a commons.

Worship your beneficial ancestors. Question and burn sacrifices. Pray to God(s).

Then, after all of this, look inward and listen, the silence will come, the light will open, you will know how to practice your community mindedness. This will give you Ease. You will pray more.

Life is then goingt o begin to take over for you. You will have constant meetings which you merit.

Start out in every town looking to give in gestures without ever being approached. Imagine peace.

Raise awareness. Lose the shy side of being embarassed whenever you think you are doing good.

1 comment:

  1. It will be exciting to hear how Whipple Anne is expanding your perspective! I love reading your blog.
