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Saturday, February 7, 2015

What is your biggest reservation you have to get over before taking the leap? The "Great escape" is neither Great nor an Escape.

Nathan:Will everyone who is interested post here or send a question asking either: 1) What benefits would you expect/prioritize in travel-healthcare and/or family first choices; or, 2) What biggest reservation do people you know - who like this idea - still have at taking the leap? I need more feedback to be able to answer questions and plan to help you make an exit 

Question #1 is from a talented woodworker, husband, stay-at-home dad in small town New England:
Mike: The biggest obstacle I see is getting the time away from work. I can see on the baseline how costs can be offset by savings, but the obstacle of having a job to come back to is a big one.

For living abroad, extended travel abroad, or any health vacations or family first decisions we make - when it is really a big choice, a difficult choice to explain (or get permission for), if it seems too expensive or perhaps semi-permanent in any sense - then how we plan to do our leaving basically means how do we come back... in one piece. This is real and needs significant preparation.

For those who are following the beginnings of this plan/blog Mike pointed out to us a "great escape" quagmire: How to leave basically means how to get back more than peace; alive, affirmed, healthy. 

Short quick answers are just that: easy and free of the real details. Here are the easy answers; you have to (!) reduce debt and costs before leaving, have a plan to create zero or very little debt (!) this is also as a perspective cost of leaving, you cannot expect to but may possible be able to make money or set up a foundation for making money abroad, how can you lower costs abroad, will you be able to come back with new skill sets, spend newly acquired time adjusting or planning or executing new businesses, microenterprise, or career shifts to come home to. What are your street chances - do you hustle, play music, make jewelry, teach English, Teach Kids, teach Yoga on a beach, build a website, start a school. What can you do in a free Year, six months, three months 72 hours, one day, 4 hours?

Are you eligible to get your family a front on a small inheritance (!) , are you an able to articulate and be honest enough to be a recipient from friends or family (!) ; or, can you save and have the money and/or monjob you would need lined up when you leave... Or... take a (series of) shorter practice trip(s), take a sabbatical, take a forgiveable loan, fundraise, build a nonprofit, get church support, or make your trip your mission. One way or another, unless you are a trust fund victim, a gun or drug dealer, a permamooch, or an insidiously advantaged loaf - you will need to adopt one or many of the above characteristics. The key I would offer - who are you in service to? What am I missing people? 

One simple truth is that perspective is great.... once it is past it cleans up. We go, it is hard, we are miserable and scared, times are tough, we are tested; yet we come back and remember the best times.

So knowing that should be empowering.

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