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Friday, May 29, 2015

More Dick Gregory....

One of the greatest revolutionaries and comics of all times.

Unknown to generations because he spoke out.

I am planning to singly, evenhandedly help in the Dick Gregory rebirth and rejuvenation!

What you don't know does hurt you!!

And now - for a current, more up to date reinterpretation of recent events in racism and oppression:

Read whole cartoon and MORE by Tom Tomorrow here

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Incremental changes for healthier cooking: Our microwave is in the hvac closet and I use it only to heat milk for coffee

Do you snope? I have so many questions about absurd beliefs or things that sound so true. 

Example, I am concerned; and, I believe I am right about how we ingest plastics and radiation from Microwaves without caring. I do not need to unquestioningly hurt/kill myself, like most of you, the idea of unwittingly hurting small children and future generations - well it does not sit well with me!

I didn't grow up with a microwave.

I personally didn't have a microwave in any of the houses I lived in until after the age of 14. I mostly got used to the idea of them working in restaurants. And, when I don't have the option I can’t say that I miss it. They melt butter and warm milk for me - that's about it.

But, for many they are essential. So I had been researching why microwaves are so sinister. Turns out, for plants, they really are not. That was fun. But, for humans, microwaves are bad. Bad. BAD.

What are your thoughts on the health concerns related to microwaves? Do you still use one regularly? And if so, why?

We’d love to know via the comment section below.

For an even more in-depth analysis on the concerns related to microwave ovens, I strongly suggest you check out the mercola article referenced throughout the article below.

I would like you to hear from all sides and come up with your conclusions.

Here is a pro-mirowave analysis.

Here is a more midlevel critique.

 Plastic and microwaves definitely do not get along.

Here is a more no nonsense article on why we should not use microwaves.

More Sources

Friday, May 22, 2015

Fresh poverty anyone?

What do we think of today's poverty?

Is there any part of it that we don't feel we are supposed to blame those who are in it, feel forgiven about our role, or realize there is nothing any of us can do and meander on?

Here are 12 ways you can change and change your mind.

We have to protect our banks and not give away ownership for nothin'.

Even if these people are PTSD victims of unjustifiable wars, war violence, trampled human rights?

To eliminate poverty at home and abroad we can start by checking our assumptions about it.

Then we can look for where its sources are and where the resources are to make it END.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Writing a letter to express thankfulness and appreciation to people when they help others.

My Example

Dear ___ ,

In the last year or so, I have developed a new social leading, often writing a letter to express thankfulness and appreciation to people when they help others (me) in ways that perhaps are not being acknowledged to the fullest. This is such a letter to you! Thank you very much for your efforts! They are creating more kindness, gentleness, love and ease in our world. They have not gone unrecognized. When I read your words, I genuinely felt selflessness and stewardship of our human commons which you have taken on as your concern - I was moved to respond. Thanks! Through your peaceful efforts, and those of our ancestors who led them before us; I am pleased with the world we share together. Though we may be far away in time and space - I encourage you!! Your friendliness is having its demonstrable effect.

Holding you in the light!
Nathan Shroyer
Cordoba, Argentina

PS - in Argentina International Air Mail can weigh 20 grams. Fill that envelope with your art, postcards, togo menus, stickers, magnets, Children's art whatever!!

Writing a letter to express thankfulness and appreciation to people is an easy way to show a desire help others. Here are some fun ideas!

Friday, May 15, 2015

What has happened to Colombia?

I am writing about my second home.

What has happened to Colombia?


Why such unchecked growth?

How come a .5% inflation worries the country? Next door in Venezuela its 120%!

Super hot currency - it has wavered between the strongest currency in the Americas and always one of the top five! Doesn't that spur disinvestment? Nope. Not here. Not in this case.


Brain Gain. Investors galore. Tech Capital.

Entrepreneurship! Entrepreneurial!

Biotech. Social Nets. Hopeful and invested youth.

Education as the only way up. That's a big part.


Silicon valley of the Andes!

It has to start with the youth. It begins with the expectations placed on the general populace.

Part of it has to do with leadership. When government, business, and educated elite aim their efforts in similar directions this is an outcome that can be achieved (economic unity). But, how? Why?

Much of Colombia's change has to do with its resiliency; now it is choking with expectation after being freed from such long lasting and petrifying conflict.

“At the end of the day, people just want to be here. That might sound trivial, but when you’re talking about doing business, it really matters. It’s a great place to live, a great place to visit. The question then is building on what’s already here and letting people know how much opportunity there is.”

Thursday, May 14, 2015

World arguments about 'my religion'

Religion, Faith, and Spirituality are not the same nor mutually exclusive.

I observe a lot of evangelical and simply religious conversations among the devoted and recently converted. Everyone knows, most of us like to hear ourselves talk. So, in religion, we are often looking for others to join - our camp; precisely because we know we are in a 'camp;' that there are other camps; in a way threatening.

I also consider myself a faithful, if recent, adherent to world spirituality in all its camps. My god has given me a sense that to accept divinity at all and in ANYONE I must accept it in all.

And, I feel connected not just to my birth country of patriots, nor to the surrounding cultures - but to this planet; embracing much difference.

Even as I often mightily struggle to gain even a foothold on that which seems beyond my comprehension or taste... the simple act of acceptance, my vision of humanity, belief in science, and the majesty of the Universe; all countenance pain, all relax and give me ease, and within the inner peace; I can love more strongly this earth and its humanity.

I hope to measure my life in actions. Life may be measured in acts of faith and morality.

I rely on my understanding, compassion, and belief that we are connected backwards and forwards, across history and within our immediate and every day actions. A moment can change everything and in fact it does.

Even the rock is passing passificity and spirit and can be considered 'alive' in various forms.

There are rocks on this planet, right now, basking in sun, who have as much spirituality as most of us!!

So, what do I observe?

Life is the Universe and the Sun giving warmth to gods, spirits, inheritance, descendants, memory, art.

A lot of the time I see people arguing in semantics. Ours is a "my god is a just god" reasoning that also posits that we both Know god and also there is a specific Prescription; one which we or our church have Divined.

We would not want to admit it; but, largely our context of religion is god serving just our earthly interests!

In latin America that argument is particularly palpable; and almost entirely divisive; except that it seems almost no one takes it seriously; more God is not only open to interpretation - it is a negotiation.

Alas, many of my fore bearers delivered this 'good news.' What do we make of it? Cures for negotiation?

I am uncertain.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Calling Mark Twain! Favorite boutique hotel idea ever!

This is a "recreo." Preferred form of travel on the Rio Negro and Amazon.

This is my favorite hostel/boutique hotel idea ever. And, I am seriously looking for investors.

Air con rooms, hammocks. a small flotilla. Moving slowly, very slow. Visiting the haunting remains of the rubber barons. Then doing some good. Eco-hostel service tourism at its best.

Put another way - can we be your small silent partner. Let's build your 'live aboard' dream.

These boats make it real. Floating hotels. Recreos are cool.


The best.

Natural foods?


Plentiful, local, organic by design (nature's).

Meeting the coolest clientele, making the necessary changes to your life you wanted to.

And, there is this amazing culture that goes with them.

So, if you love water but you don't want to go to see. If you love adventure; but never really want to get too far from civilization; if you love tropical lands and warm friendly people. This is for you!!

How do we make this happen?

How about a 6-9 month trial balloon rental adventure to 'test the waters?'

Can you make a  $12k investment which you might just make back with a profit?

Want to jump right in $30k will get you started - we will match you 50% to be a 1/3 investor in your dream.

C'mon. What can you lose?

Want to visit the ruins of a long abandoned rain forest trading post?

This is the kind of story I love reading.

It brings me close to a place that I might never visit "Airao". The name says Amazon. A place, one might say, that would be hard to visit; and, by hard, what I want to imply for you is uncomfortable, not easy, sweaty.

Sure, the food will be delicious, like Paca, or turtle; but it is not what you are eating back home.

And, I love the character, a Japanese farmer who migrated with his parents to Brazil sixty years ago. Nakayama, our hero - the 'Hermit of the Jungle."

There have been documentaries done about him. He is respected by Brazilian academics and authorities.

His is a simple mission: respecting, conserving, stewarding the imminent decay and take over by nature of a forgotten Rubber Plantation trading post.

This is a place I can take you to. Here in my blogosphere. Or, in person, you, your family, some friends, our family, all together - riding the 'recreos' of the Amazon Basin, Visiting Manaus, Belem, Salvador. Carnival?

And I can get you there on an authentic experience : Meeting people, feeling unrushed, breathing wet airs.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Fun Hidden House Images and Dancing

We are looking for strong backs with shovels.

Bomb shelter experts? Mosaic artists?

Our next building project may be at least partly underground. You see, we can't build any more at our home base property in Maryland. So, dig down....

We want to create spaces that keep our surface level living green, verdant, and permacultured.

And because I wanted to do a blog on images and actions and beauty from around the world and how it reflects on our family's is the bonus. Dance, Dance, Dance because you can!!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

You can help Nepal!!

Update from today's visit to Nepalese villages; please share widely.

Everything I have learned about from years working with NGOs on disaster recovery, human restoration, and prevention - is that often the aid you seek to help with hurts people (and that is not right). NGOs do more harm than good. Governments are worse.

Worse, people who really need and can benefit are often forgotten, overlooked, left out. But, there are plenty of good ways to help that will not hurt; those that build strong networks and help communities get back on their own. Consider reading below. These are organizations who have real contacts distributing needed aid to those who really need some help. 


Subscribe to E-news. * Join a Peace Team. * Request a Speaker: write to Jenna Morales at

How are your actions reflective of the Christian Trinity? Even just some words of compassion and praise go a long way with these folks helping them to know they are loved and supported. It is easy for you to do this. Thanks!

Update from Nepal -- Please Share Widely
Reply-To: FriendsPeaceTeams-AWP office <>
FPT-AWP would like to thank you for bearing with us at this difficult time. Our team in Nepal has been trying to get news out to us any way possible and several extra messages were sent via our email distribution list. Those messages were raw and sent in real-time. 
Please take note of this newest update as it contains the most complete and up to date information on how to help our friends in Nepal.  

Update from today's visit to Nepalese villages; please share widely.

Dear Friends,

Friends Peace Teams has long-term, solid relationships with people on location whose discernment we trust. Subhash will coordinate our relief support and will share the full story of how the funds get used and how decisions are made, as well as welcome your questions or feedback. The flexibility of our funds allows them to respond to blatant needs that are falling through the cracks of other organizations such as devastated communities that somehow do not receive assistance; particular essential materials or supports that do not get provided by others; or the ability to respond in a timely manner that makes a world of difference. Thank you for your support at this time!

We guarantee that 100% of your donation will go for use directly on site.

Please send relief funds for Nepal to "Friends Peace Teams - AWP/Nepal"

Funds transfer to US account: PayPal at 

Funds transfer to Australia account: Friends Peace Teams Asia West Pacific Incorporated, BSB: 032 086, Account No: 366770, SWIFT Code: WPACAU2S 

Cheques/checks made out to Friends Peace Teams, memo line AWP/Nepal sent to: 
Friends Peace Teams-AWP, 1001 Park Ave, St. Louis, MO 63104 314-688-1122 USA
Friends Peace Teams-AWP, c/o Elizabeth Jane Drexler, 17 Pockley Ave., Roseville NSW 2069 Australia

In love and faith, Nadine

Recent update from Subhash:

Dear Friends,

Some volunteer friends and I visited Koshidekha Village of Kavre district this morning and returned back at 8pmto identify the real need on the ground and establish trustworthy contacts and relationships in the community so that our support gets better distributed.

The needs we identified in these hard-hit, vulnerable communities would cost US$3,500 immediately to prevent starvation and protect pregnant women. We would very much appreciate this support and will keep you informed of further needs. Please give generously, if you are able.

We were six people travelling by motorcycles for about two and a half hours one way. We specifically visited three severely damaged communities in the village which are about half an hour distance from each other. The photographs show the physical situation of these communities.

The three communities we visited are:
1. Kami Sarki Gaun (the community of so-called 'untouchables')
2. Kalinjor (the community of Tamang; ethnic/disadvantaged people)
3. Jyamire (the community of Magar; also ethnic/disadvantaged people)

People are living on the bare fields, in many cases a number of families together. Somehow they have manged temporary roofing either by tent, plastic or partly damaged roofing tin they had on their destroyed houses. Many cattle, goats, cows, domestic buffalo, chicken etc. are dead and buried under the demolished houses and the stinky smell of dead animal has started to spread around. Everything looks and feels horrible.

Some facts from the communities:
  • 286 houses completely destroyed
  • 210 houses partially damaged and unsuitable to stay inside
  • very few houses are okay
  • 2599 total population 
  • 18 deaths known till now including children and old age people
  • some injured and getting treatment
In the Kalinjor community, we were the first group of outside visitors.

Along with meeting affected people in the communities, we also met with the head teacher of the local schools, a few school teachers, head of the local health centers and village leaders. We have established a relationship with them and they are willing to cooperate with our effort ahead.

Immediate action needed as soon as possible:
  • Distribute severely needed food, namely rice. The need is huge and we think we should distribute at least 100 sacks of rice for now. Costs about USD 18 per sack for medium quality rice.
  • Some of the families need kitchen utensils to cook and eat food. We have asked one local youth to find out how many such families there are who need such supplies immediately. Approximately, USD 300 should be enough for this.
  • Special needs in the communities that require our special attention because others are focusing on other issues; and we were specially requested by the local health worker for this:
    • About 35 mothers with newly born babies need nutrition, health, and clothing support to both the mother and the baby for at least a month. We will have to make a special relief support package for them. This cost about USD 40 per person.
    • About 40 pregnant women in the communities are considered "in danger" by the health worker, both the health of mother and specially the baby inside. Earthquakes are very risky for women more than 4 months pregnant. I plan to contact a gynecologist as soon as possible in Kathmandu and discuss what we can and should do to diagnose the real situation with these women and what the necessary steps are to ensure the safety of these pregnant women. We don't know now host much this may cost.
Let me know if you have further queries.

In friendship,

Replies to this email will be directed to:
Jenna Morales
Communications Specialist
Friends Peace Teams - Asia West Pacific Initiative
Typical office hours Monday - Wednesday mornings (EST)

Friends Peace Teams in Asia West Pacific

Initiative Coordinators: Nadine Hoover and John Michaelis

in Indonesia, Nepal, the Philippines, Palestine, Gaza, Israel and Australia


Subscribe to E-news. * Join a Peace Team. * Request a Speaker: write to Jenna Morales at
Shop at:, proceeds go to FPT-AWP!
Become a Sustainer: publicly declare your support by pledging to raise $500/year! 
Make a donation: transfer funds via PayPal at or toWestpac Bank, Lindfield Branch BSB: 732-086 Acct: Elizabeth Jane Drexler, No: 597322 or send a cheque/check to: 
Friends Peace Teams-AWP, 1001 Park Ave, St. Louis, MO 63104314-688-1122 USA
Elizabeth Jane Drexler, 17 Pockley Ave., Roseville NSW 2069 Australia

From: Evangelical Friends Mission <>
Date: Mon, Apr 27, 2015 at 3:14 PM
Subject: Nepal Prayer Focus and Appeal

                                Pray Without Ceasing
During the last 48 hours we have continued to check the news about the aftermath of the earthquake in Nepal and communicate with our missionaries who are located in Kathmandu. The death toll has quadrupled since our first update (from 1000 to 4000). People have now spent three nights outside of their homes because of the aftershocks. Many, including some of our missionaries, have been sleeping in their cars. Others are out in open spaces in tents or makeshift shelters. It has been cold and raining. Shortages of food, water, clothing, blankets, and electricity make the situation more urgent. Emergency aid is beginning to trickle in, however.

Our missionaries have been getting reports from Nepali Friends about the condition of their homes and church buildings. There are Friends who live and worship in a place called Gorka which is located very close to the epicenter of Saturday's earthquake. Forty of their homes and their church building are badly damaged or completely destroyed in that one area alone. There are reports from other villages that at least thirty more of the believers' homes have been partly or completely destroyed including another church building. So it is becoming clear that one of the biggest needs in the days and weeks ahead will be reconstruction of homes and a few church buildings. There will probably be ways for us to help with other immediate needs as well. Conversations are underway with our missionaries about what those needs are and what we can do about them.

As reported in the first update, EFM does have some emergency funds on hand to begin sending assistance right away. We do invite you to give towards our emergency fund so that we can accomplish whatever the Lord gives us to do in the recovery phase of this emergency and also still have some funds on hand for the next emergency. Below you will find the options for giving to the emergency fund.

Even as we give prayer is still what is needed most. Pray not only for the physical and material needs of the Nepali people but also for their spiritual needs. May more and more people come to know the one true God in the midst of this crisis.

Dan Cammack

*Mail:  Please make checks payable to Evangelical Friends Mission and mail to PO Box 525,  
   Arvada, CO 80001.
Credit Card:  Call 888.421.8102 to donate now.
Online Giving: EFM uses PayPal, so you may donate online today  
   giving with your PayPal account or credit card. At the "donate to" line scroll to the bottom and   
   choose "other" and in the comment box add Emergency Fund.
Phone or email:  Contact EFM ( anytime with any questions or to  
   indicate your   wish to make a donation.

Friday, May 1, 2015

More ways for you to get here - Freer

Every time I look at my own blog, I want to write more to share with you. I wonder why I don't; then I remember, I have many more ways for you to get here!! My lack of free time is explained by the fact that I have some, a lot, and I am choosing what to do with much of it. That is a lifestyle choice.

I choose to participate - heavily - in my family and children's lives.

We cook 90% of our own food from scratch.

I walk and shop at local markets, about one and a half hours walking (2-3 times per week).
These are chores - but I am making them choices. When I need to reduce, I can.

We go to parks and public events. We participate publicly.

I find myself giving room to meditate, write, read, reflect.

And, I am working part-time, voluntarily, on service projects I have created.

There are so many more ways for you to get here. I am inclined and interested in writing and investigating more. And, when I do have time, my interests are wide - I throw out the net - until I do not always come back with the subjects I keep promising myself I will write about; and there are many subjects which I have discussed and projected writing about more that need to be developed.

That's your job. When you like a subject. When you want more; take a break, send me a line.
