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Friday, September 4, 2015

Sao Paolo is grabbing headlines: Out of Water

This non sequitur; this everyplace blog about incongruities and disconnectedness - it has a source in but one simple root - Love. 

Love beyond borders! How to survive ourselves. 

How to make peace with nature. It all starts with water, deserts, scarcity. See, I have been following this water crisis which is beginning to effect huge populations in Brazil. I got some reader feedback on similar linked California stories with interest. Crazy! What's more, I wrote this before Yemen got firmly placed in news cycles because of a Proxy War now started between the Arab States and Iran!

I am not trying to keep you on the cutting edge by writing this; actually I started writing this several months back worrying about Yemen. Then, we saw what happened there! Nary a water headline though. But, my birthplace California got the news! Linkages!

[This does remind me why I am doing this blog - we can solve all of this.Thanks for thinking of me and sharing what you are reading and your responses. We are all in this together. I need more feedback and questions, ideas, and nuances about how these relate to YOU!]

Today a friend, a woman of Indian descent, quoted Nietzsche“The eternal hourglass of existence is turned over and over, and you with it, a grain of sand.” What a great quote. What hope! Still, what amazed me even more was not the outpouring of understanding, unity, and collectivity; but the personal disappointment that the quote caused in people.

I am happy an India-America woman got me riled up about participation. It is not a joke. And I have felt very connected to it all day ever since I reread this beautiful story about how peoples seek change. It is incumbent that we make necessary change start now.

Let me put this out there for readers. The Indian sub-continent is sexually repressed to the point of physical, emotional, sexual, and spiritual illness as a society. It is venally unsteadied by its sickness.

So as to not go any point forward without pointing out what I guess I think should be readily obvious. The West, most of Asia, the Middle East, much of Africa, the whole of Catholicism, and  my own immediate family history shares the degradations, depravity, perversions, misgivings, and unhealth described here in the life of one of my own saints, benefactors and mentors Ghandi.  Women matter.

Girls Matter. Children Matter. Protecting children matters.

I also have followed several countries facing same crisis. Yemen, for example, is a text book example of how it happened because of us. Western and modern stupidity, economic 'assistance' models, losing traditions... now the whole country has run out of water. Not a small place either. The history of groundwater replenishment is the same in Yemen as Cali.

What do we hear about Yemen... ISIS, Quaeda, Suni and Shiite revolutionaries - not farms, farmers, poor people, the future!!? What if Yemen is the first country to totally start to run out of water... maybe it is happening now, how would we know to filter through to find that link when there is so much about 'terrorism' and infighting of sects to cloud our way. More than Yemen, what does broad our lack of knowledge tell us?

More on that subject soon.

For now, ponder this, Asia, Africa, Middle East much has to do with two plants Eucalyptus and Qat.

Sao Paolo is grabbing headlines. With a population of 20,000,000 I guess it should; but Sanaa?

So.. this is for girls out there. For all women and children who've been given bad advice - here's some good.

I saw on a friends post how one of his snakes ate the other. A friend wrote him, "time to tell your kids about the music business?" It was a cool joke. A joke between musicians. It is time for us to tell truth to ourselves.

The same friend wrote about an interview he was giving a reporter who called him about his music (who was not based in New Orleans). The writer made some jibe statements about Mardi Gras, how shallow it is, how disdained by true locals;how carnival had become a pale version of its former self and a cultural rip off. This was said to the leader of marching bands of authentic brass, ragtime, and traditional New Orleans jazz folk who marches ceaselessly in parade after parade during the whole of the Mardi Gras season! 

"Had a phone conversation with someone who apparently has everything figured," he wrote, "me, Panorama Jazz Band of New Orleans, Mardi Gras, New Orleans," the Universe.

No need for me to open my mouth (this wasn't any of you. btw). 

"Did you know that Mardi Gras is just a big charade for tourists? And did you know that I was young, single with no kids?" to this another friend wrote back, "Remember: the world is filled with bloviating blowhards who know you, your world, and what you need to do better than you." Finally a peace seeking pacifist suggested, "Tell em you're going to hold your breath until they write what you want." Carnival understanding.

We need to get outside and look in at ourselves. 

We do this sometimes and realize how good we have it. 

We were not born poor women of illiterate multigenerational poverty in rural India or Yemen. We are not street kids connected to favelas in Brazil or Argentina. We were given privileged duties; self-responsibility, provenance, stewardship, power. So, we are obligated to step up. 

Hold your breath until this comes true!!

Here is another paraphrased Nietzcheanism: 'The tastiest fruit is ripest just as it reaches its zenith and turns to rot.' How do we produce end of times ripeness increasing world sanity?

This non sequitur, the everyplace blog with incongruities and disconnectedness - it has as  its root butone simple cause; Forgive yourself. 

Forgive - that we make sense of a world that in its abnormalities seeks sanity

Forgive - that we give hope to a people who through faithless abandon seeks love. Forgive - that we respect Nature for in its poverty lies ripeness. Forgive - that we tolerate time who without wisdom seeks an ongoing way out. Forgive - easily. 

Then make room for necessary small actions that steward the world to change - ushering in the beauty you want to see in our world.

Wateralifornia: Yemen, California, Sao Paolo are grabbing headlines "Out of Water"

This non sequitur; this everyplace blog about incongruities and disconnectedness - it has a source in but one simple root - Love. 

Love beyond borders! How to survive ourselves. 

Friday, August 28, 2015

Quantum Physics and God

I find the distance between Physics, sciences, and the universe shrinking. Buddhism, Christianity, and all faiths from Hindu to Shamanism are merging before our eyes.

And, what a great time for them to do so!

I have been thinking, writing, and studying a lot on the subjects of Quantum Physics and God.

My new science - the love, care, observation and respect for my loved ones - and joy for children!!

Personally - I am not at all worried about negative implications of the 'god particle' being called that; or, that of religion and spirituality taking a more prominent role in science. It is about time. A Hegelian twist!

Friday, July 31, 2015

When Physics cheers you up a bit!

The Lord is a Shepherd - we cannot wander.

The great thing about spiritual belief and wonderment from the universe; the great thing about personal experiences of god, is that it leads unquestioning to more belief, to greater acceptance, and to deeper contact.

We allow faith to emerge from ourselves. This is also affirmed in nature and science.

It is also nice that periodically we receive updates. News flash!! The Universe is magic.

God Speed!! Physics approves of humanity.

Were we to disappear from this planet - it would not be without a trace.

In fact, physics proves that we send traces out from ourselves, literally billions of them, across the universe, every millisecond. Perhaps it is a lost morality compass that keeps our 'God' guilt driven and ego murky internally - because physics just does not play this out.

Physics allows us to embrace the Radical Responsibility which the Universe demands of us.

With every action, with every subatomic, subconscious, sun - conscious, waking breath....

Physics can and will cheer you up a bit! Let it in.

Divine nature is ours. Sometimes we can explore it in science. Sometimes it will explore us!

I like to hear it in music. See it in the innocent happiness of children, Vision it in art. Visit it HERE.

And NOW.

I have been practicing a lot of the poverty of life lately.... learning how others suffer through imitation and rogue uselessness, not illness - but not in a meditative thankfulness and ease from mindful practices.

I am using my time up too quickly, worrying about things, not being open to what is genuinely all around me every day. God intervenes, knocks, sends messages, "Cheer up," god says. "The plan already happened."

Friday, July 17, 2015

A Watershed Moment for Art: Japanese print maker Hokusai

I took a trip to Japan that was fueled by disaster: flood earthquakes, tsunami and the like.

So, I guess that is where it first impressed upon me a Japanese obsession of water in earthquake thrust tsunamis. Nineteeth century proto-impressionist Hokusai was also impressed by power in water.

But, I did not know this history of how the wave of art leaving Japan after Hokusai helped herald the massive movement of Impressionism in Europe and across the world.

Here are some curated talks and more beautiful images from Boston Fine Arts:

Turns out, the Japanese print maker Hokusai had a massive effect on currents in world and western art scenes that are still rippling onto our shores today.

Isn't it lovely to discover new ways so much of our world benefits from connectedness?

Thursday, July 2, 2015

How do Changing Populations affect me?

There's no doubt - the world's population is increasing. While there are some older, grayer countries which have shrinking population concerns - in general me procreate, produce more, need more and fight. Populations are effecting considerable change on our planet ecologically and otherwise.

Here is a blueprint for your participation in building a world we can all share together harmoniously.

"Use this GDP/capita maximum from estimate maximum global GDP/capita consistent with a non-declining GPI/capital. Assuming better access to family planning services in high population nations, it should be possible to limit the global population to no more than 9.6 billion people. This is the number of people that could be equitably supported by the current global GDP/capita of $67 trillion at approximately $7000 per person."

Somewhere between $5000-$7000 is the maximum sustainable per capita dollar amount which we can use to continue to live on a sustainable planet. To reach this number we all have to consume much less! What is our short run carrying capacity? How do we improve our ecological footprint?

Basic human conditions dictate, we all have to drink water, eat, have shelter, travel, learn, and create.

Right now, we're still expanding our economic pie; while most of the world subsists off crust (crumbs).

We are so caught up in crazy world problems of tech, social networks, and our corrupted version of time that we are missing a passing of existing planetary usage and servitude to stewarding commons!

Friday, June 26, 2015

Let's flip the script!! Solopsistic myopia for all!!!

It is easy to focus on the negative.

It is easy to be critical.

I know this blog will be hard for a lot of people to stay tuned to. Because my subject matter, much of what I write about, challenges and cajoles the status quo (to Sarah Palin's crew - another one of those "Latin" words).

And, believe me, I want to have more to do with my life,  more interests, than picking at you.

So, I am going to be clear in my blogs when they are critical (you might say negative/pessimistic); also, I am going to endeavor to write a lot of positive things here. Uplifting, useful, kind, easing.

Educated skilled peoples are clumping more together. We are segregating more than ever. Utopic community is either elite or meta-elite. We are individualistic and solopsistically caving to the center.

Instead of worrying about incredible amounts of people we are sharing the planet with in today's age, I'll celebrate the beauty of their births, their individual spirits, the diverse cultures they describe!

 Fear, stress, irrationality: Let's flip the script!! Solopsistic myopia for all!!!

Actually, health, breathing, meditation, silence. The simple silent moment that exists eternally...

Friday, June 19, 2015

Life after death? How about life before Earth?

We all have our version of near death experiences.

I say this because no matter what else has happened to you - you were born once.

Not everyone wants to believe in higher powers, afterlife, the size and depth of the universe, God or gods; and that is ok. Sometimes it is fun to just get the perspective from those who DO though.

I adopted 25 years or so ago the Zen mantra for life's stages, Birth, Sickness, Aging, Death

My own experiences are different.

I do not know death. I am not very preoccupied with it either. I have known the other stages; and, about 20 years ago I experienced the transit of birth, death, and beyond during life.

People in cultures that consider and meditate on death fear it and are less likely to obsess on it.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Basic Ingredients of Passing down Wealth: Remain educated, buy/invest in your pension, think insurability

Fun article if you have been wondering how peoples who have accumulated or been given wealth maintain it; or, how to generate wealth and security for your future generations. Invest in Education. Build pensions and secure insurance portfolios. Fund a secure inheritance for your children.

Our family is doing this in small unconventional ways. I am happy to personally share some of our story (offline) if you would like to know it or you think it might be of interest to you. In a nutshell, we are doing all of this in ways that are not spoken to by the limited scope of these generalized POV articles that try to shape 100's of millions of people with a shrunken graph of 10% cohorts. But, the basic concept is certain: People of wealth continue to have a huge leg up on people without.

Basically, ask your self, how are you insuring your family. What is a pension you can buy into? What are the ways to attain the best possible education at the correct investment cost?

Where do you live? Why are you living there? What is it giving you and your future generations?

Friday, June 12, 2015

Perspectives: Eleven 100-year Flights in a Millisecond

I was visiting a hyper red giant, and I didn't have long; so my eleven 100-year flights took a millisecond.

Traveling at 980 miles per hour, in jet plane mode - time gives me more perspectives as we only want to count in years until that is not enough; until we loose impossible lengths of time to moments.

Massive Space explodes into mere milliseconds.

More perspectives we yearn for years over these micromoments.

Tensions of subatomic disappearance appear and fade away.

The distant rumble of the universes laughter - a fading memory.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Maybe your needs are more civilized? A vacation to the Andes mountains. Wine country of Mendoza, Argentina. Next winter - flip the script.

I just wrote the blog enticing you to bring your family or friends on an adventure to the heart of the Amazon. Then I posed the question to myself - where does the other group want to go. Here is another travel story.

So I went back over my list of favorite places. Mendoza is one.

What is drawing you across the globe?

Adventure? Backpacking? Climbing? Maybe your needs are more civilized? A vacation to the mountains and the wine country of Mendoza, Argentina. A simple relaxing get away. Just somewhere delightful and warm when winter comes back? Next winter - flip the script.

Not only is the wine country rich in lovely vacation spots - but the climate is perfect for a winter getaway. No winter! Zero. Actually, they have plenty of winter, but their calendar is the opposite of ours, meaning the next time you are drowning in the wintry blues, they are peeking at fall through the lens of summer beauty.

Come down to Mendoza. Visit the Andes. And, bonus, it is easy and scenic to cross over and see Chile, (Santiago, Valparaiso, and Isla Negra) all on the same two - five week adventure to the wine country!

Bring your fantasy vacation to South America. Don't feel comfortable figuring this out? Let us be your guide. We know the countries, the regions, the cultures. We speak the language. And, we will cost you the same as anywhere else by offering you more; more contact, more authenticity, more local, more time, more of us!

Friday, May 29, 2015

More Dick Gregory....

One of the greatest revolutionaries and comics of all times.

Unknown to generations because he spoke out.

I am planning to singly, evenhandedly help in the Dick Gregory rebirth and rejuvenation!

What you don't know does hurt you!!

And now - for a current, more up to date reinterpretation of recent events in racism and oppression:

Read whole cartoon and MORE by Tom Tomorrow here

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Incremental changes for healthier cooking: Our microwave is in the hvac closet and I use it only to heat milk for coffee

Do you snope? I have so many questions about absurd beliefs or things that sound so true. 

Example, I am concerned; and, I believe I am right about how we ingest plastics and radiation from Microwaves without caring. I do not need to unquestioningly hurt/kill myself, like most of you, the idea of unwittingly hurting small children and future generations - well it does not sit well with me!

I didn't grow up with a microwave.

I personally didn't have a microwave in any of the houses I lived in until after the age of 14. I mostly got used to the idea of them working in restaurants. And, when I don't have the option I can’t say that I miss it. They melt butter and warm milk for me - that's about it.

But, for many they are essential. So I had been researching why microwaves are so sinister. Turns out, for plants, they really are not. That was fun. But, for humans, microwaves are bad. Bad. BAD.

What are your thoughts on the health concerns related to microwaves? Do you still use one regularly? And if so, why?

We’d love to know via the comment section below.

For an even more in-depth analysis on the concerns related to microwave ovens, I strongly suggest you check out the mercola article referenced throughout the article below.

I would like you to hear from all sides and come up with your conclusions.

Here is a pro-mirowave analysis.

Here is a more midlevel critique.

 Plastic and microwaves definitely do not get along.

Here is a more no nonsense article on why we should not use microwaves.

More Sources

Friday, May 22, 2015

Fresh poverty anyone?

What do we think of today's poverty?

Is there any part of it that we don't feel we are supposed to blame those who are in it, feel forgiven about our role, or realize there is nothing any of us can do and meander on?

Here are 12 ways you can change and change your mind.

We have to protect our banks and not give away ownership for nothin'.

Even if these people are PTSD victims of unjustifiable wars, war violence, trampled human rights?

To eliminate poverty at home and abroad we can start by checking our assumptions about it.

Then we can look for where its sources are and where the resources are to make it END.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Writing a letter to express thankfulness and appreciation to people when they help others.

My Example

Dear ___ ,

In the last year or so, I have developed a new social leading, often writing a letter to express thankfulness and appreciation to people when they help others (me) in ways that perhaps are not being acknowledged to the fullest. This is such a letter to you! Thank you very much for your efforts! They are creating more kindness, gentleness, love and ease in our world. They have not gone unrecognized. When I read your words, I genuinely felt selflessness and stewardship of our human commons which you have taken on as your concern - I was moved to respond. Thanks! Through your peaceful efforts, and those of our ancestors who led them before us; I am pleased with the world we share together. Though we may be far away in time and space - I encourage you!! Your friendliness is having its demonstrable effect.

Holding you in the light!
Nathan Shroyer
Cordoba, Argentina

PS - in Argentina International Air Mail can weigh 20 grams. Fill that envelope with your art, postcards, togo menus, stickers, magnets, Children's art whatever!!

Writing a letter to express thankfulness and appreciation to people is an easy way to show a desire help others. Here are some fun ideas!

Friday, May 15, 2015

What has happened to Colombia?

I am writing about my second home.

What has happened to Colombia?


Why such unchecked growth?

How come a .5% inflation worries the country? Next door in Venezuela its 120%!

Super hot currency - it has wavered between the strongest currency in the Americas and always one of the top five! Doesn't that spur disinvestment? Nope. Not here. Not in this case.


Brain Gain. Investors galore. Tech Capital.

Entrepreneurship! Entrepreneurial!

Biotech. Social Nets. Hopeful and invested youth.

Education as the only way up. That's a big part.


Silicon valley of the Andes!

It has to start with the youth. It begins with the expectations placed on the general populace.

Part of it has to do with leadership. When government, business, and educated elite aim their efforts in similar directions this is an outcome that can be achieved (economic unity). But, how? Why?

Much of Colombia's change has to do with its resiliency; now it is choking with expectation after being freed from such long lasting and petrifying conflict.

“At the end of the day, people just want to be here. That might sound trivial, but when you’re talking about doing business, it really matters. It’s a great place to live, a great place to visit. The question then is building on what’s already here and letting people know how much opportunity there is.”

Thursday, May 14, 2015

World arguments about 'my religion'

Religion, Faith, and Spirituality are not the same nor mutually exclusive.

I observe a lot of evangelical and simply religious conversations among the devoted and recently converted. Everyone knows, most of us like to hear ourselves talk. So, in religion, we are often looking for others to join - our camp; precisely because we know we are in a 'camp;' that there are other camps; in a way threatening.

I also consider myself a faithful, if recent, adherent to world spirituality in all its camps. My god has given me a sense that to accept divinity at all and in ANYONE I must accept it in all.

And, I feel connected not just to my birth country of patriots, nor to the surrounding cultures - but to this planet; embracing much difference.

Even as I often mightily struggle to gain even a foothold on that which seems beyond my comprehension or taste... the simple act of acceptance, my vision of humanity, belief in science, and the majesty of the Universe; all countenance pain, all relax and give me ease, and within the inner peace; I can love more strongly this earth and its humanity.

I hope to measure my life in actions. Life may be measured in acts of faith and morality.

I rely on my understanding, compassion, and belief that we are connected backwards and forwards, across history and within our immediate and every day actions. A moment can change everything and in fact it does.

Even the rock is passing passificity and spirit and can be considered 'alive' in various forms.

There are rocks on this planet, right now, basking in sun, who have as much spirituality as most of us!!

So, what do I observe?

Life is the Universe and the Sun giving warmth to gods, spirits, inheritance, descendants, memory, art.

A lot of the time I see people arguing in semantics. Ours is a "my god is a just god" reasoning that also posits that we both Know god and also there is a specific Prescription; one which we or our church have Divined.

We would not want to admit it; but, largely our context of religion is god serving just our earthly interests!

In latin America that argument is particularly palpable; and almost entirely divisive; except that it seems almost no one takes it seriously; more God is not only open to interpretation - it is a negotiation.

Alas, many of my fore bearers delivered this 'good news.' What do we make of it? Cures for negotiation?

I am uncertain.